Balance is key to our wellbeing. Find a moment, even just a short one, to recalibrate and refocus ourselves. Balance nurtures our perspective

Be authentic and sincere. We don't need to try to be someone we are not 

Setting boundaries is important. They keep us safe, letting others know what's ok and what is not ok for us

Courage gives us a voice and compassion gives us an ear. Without both, there is no opportunity for empathy and connection.

Brene Brown

Post-Covid 19 Impact on Mental Health  

Why do I still feel anxious?

Being human is a winding labyrinth of thrills and delights, trauma and hardship. We navigate what we’ve got with what we have. Sometimes, things can seem a little too much. Overwhelming. Too painful. Confusing. Too complicated and exhausting.

Now, on top of what we were having to coordinate in our day-to-day, we must also incorporate the demands and challenges brought by a pandemic.

We've lived through and continue to cope with extraordinarily stressful times. I offer support to those who are still affected, feeling very tired, feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I have spoken with many who are concerned about the longer term effects of their COVID-19 experience on their mental health and stamina levels.

You might not be surprised to know that many people say they need designated time to themselves just to talk about life in a safe space away from the demands of daily life. 

COVID-19 has impacted families and communities on a global level. We’re navigating lives changed by terrible loss, on-going physical ramifications and lingering health uncertainty. The subsequent repercussions for our mental health are equally as concerning.

Research and studies reveal a surge in the need for robust mental health support for young people and adults alike.

According to UK charity Young Minds Summer 2020 report, 83% of young people with mental health needs agreed that the pandemic had damaged their mental health. In September 2021, the NHS published a report in which one in six children, aged five to 16, had probable mental health problems. In March 2022, the World Health Organisation issued a news release stating that the pandemic has triggered a 25% rise in anxiety and depression in the global population. These are just reported cases.

It is not my intention to be alarmist, but we should be aware of the facts and research in order to identify and respond to the needs within ourselves, our families and local communities, as well as being aware of the global picture. 

I believe in prevention. Stepping in before we reach burnout. We need opportunities to heal and recover from what has been and for many continues to be, a challenging and draining few years.

I offer that space, a compassionate, calm place where I listen, support and nurture. Those who have come to me for general anxiety that they've noticed present in their lives since Covid, have left saying they feel more peaceful, less tense. Seeking support in this way is part of a healthy, self-care practice that helps us live our lives in a more balanced, grounded way, benefitting not only our physical and mental health, but also those around us too.