Make time for yourself, create space, practice self-care. This tops us up, refuels us, so we don't risk running on empty

The way we treat ourselves and others is an expression of who we are

Let it go. We all mess up because no one is perfect. We can't dwell on those little things that threaten to drag us down. Often, acceptance is best to move forward

You cannot transmit wisdom and insight to another person. The seed is already there. A good teacher touches the seed, allowing it to wake up, to sprout, and to grow.

Thich Nhat Hanh


Why counselling? 

There is no shame in seeking non-judgemental, professional help to talk things through. Research shows that effective therapy boosts our wellbeing. Talking about our lives can help us feel less alone, less confused, and less anxious, facilitating a powerful release of draining emotions and fresh perspective. It can be an empowering process that helps to calm, declutter and help to heal a saturated, overstimulated mind.

A good friend summed it up well, 'I guard my mental health as my most valuable possession. People acknowledge when they need a professional to help with plumbing, for example. Mental health is the same. We should seek professional help to deal with psychological issues too.'

Just as we should take care of our physical health, caring for our mental health should be a priority. Especially, as it is reported that in England, 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem of some kind each year.

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the number of people experiencing anxiety related mental health problems continues to rise. I believe that each one of us, at some point in our lives, would benefit from talking therapy.

The therapeutic approach  

My therapeutic approach is non-directive and empathic. Each client is different; different personalities, needs, feelings and experiences. Using Person-Centred counselling skills, the psychotherapeutic approach in which I'm trained, we work together to safely and gently explore areas of life that the client wishes to focus on.

We take the process one step at a time with the client always setting the pace. During sessions, we confidentially explore feelings, relationships and experiences that have been difficult, or ones that clients need help to process.

When we feel seen, heard, valued, and supported, our self-esteem can grow. Self-doubt transforms into self-confidence, and our journey to fulfilling our true potential and living life to its fullest capacity, gains momentum. We can start living more authentic, purposeful, and empowered lives. In short, we can start to thrive.

A Safe Space 

Our environment, where we spend our time, certainly impacts our mental health negatively or positively. I try to offer a holistic experience, providing my clients with a non-threatening, calm, safe and confidential space which is close to nature.

I practise from my home overlooking the beach. The calming nature of waves and the sense of being connected to nature are features of my practice. I offer sessions online which also works well for many clients. I hope clients feel cared for and nurtured, and can begin to feel freer and a little lighter in spirit.

The Right Conditions for Therapy

Non-judgemental acceptance, genuineness and empathy are core conditions of my practice. They are essential when developing the trusting, authentic therapeutic connection which facilitates healing and personal growth.

Like Carl Rogers, the founder of Person-Centred counselling, I view empathy as a gift we can all give to those who need our help, not just counsellors, "When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified: Or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for. The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance . . . provides illumination and healing. In such situations, deep understanding is, I believe, the most precious gift, one can give to another."